International express fastener return items: Courier agent in after the issue of the Courier require our company midway stops the service, without the express company to the transport agent can operation, if the Courier has to the forwarding agent, after service will not guarantee can be suspended. That cannot send by express mail address wrong or other things, or because the unwilling or unable to provide customs clearance documents and the addressee to express the customs can not customs clearance at the destination, if the sender required return, we can arrange the product, but the sender agent must pay return fee. If a company don't want to return, do automatic give up treatment, by the destination country customs destroyed, but the sender company still have to pay the Courier freight and tariffs may be produced. Back to our agent in Hong Kong express, if a company within a month without further instructions, we have the right to destroy the express mail, otherwise will charge to send a company warehouse rent.
8. The problem of export goods packaging, export express newspaper of packaging materials can't use, if the outer packing for the log, the need to do fumigation, splint can export packing.远东到非洲 远东到美加,以及日韩 ,澳新 东南亚等特殊优势航线。
订舱业务,公司于 长荣海运,地中海海运,太平船务,马士基航运,
中远集运 ,美国总统轮船,现代商船 ,以星轮船,川崎汽船,日本邮船
东方海外,韩进海运,达飞轮船,澳大利亚航运 万海航运 以及海丰
航运,中国外运,大新华轮船 神原汽船 高丽海运, 长锦商船,俄罗斯远东轮船等各大船公司有着优势的约价,可为客户提供优势的国际海运价格和服务。
并且于各船公司可实现网上信息电子传输和EDI平台对接,保证订舱的快捷,高效运行 并且可 提供至美国、加拿大、欧洲的舱单申报等业务.
8. The problem of export goods packaging, export express newspaper of packaging materials can't use, if the outer packing for the log, the need to do fumigation, splint can export packing.远东到非洲 远东到美加,以及日韩 ,澳新 东南亚等特殊优势航线。
订舱业务,公司于 长荣海运,地中海海运,太平船务,马士基航运,
中远集运 ,美国总统轮船,现代商船 ,以星轮船,川崎汽船,日本邮船
东方海外,韩进海运,达飞轮船,澳大利亚航运 万海航运 以及海丰
航运,中国外运,大新华轮船 神原汽船 高丽海运, 长锦商船,俄罗斯远东轮船等各大船公司有着优势的约价,可为客户提供优势的国际海运价格和服务。
并且于各船公司可实现网上信息电子传输和EDI平台对接,保证订舱的快捷,高效运行 并且可 提供至美国、加拿大、欧洲的舱单申报等业务.
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