Oslo, Norway挪威海运代理
The company designs and implements dynamic logistics solution packages those are prompt, reliable, cost effective and flexible. It adopts tailor made client friendly methodologies and contains proven track record in consistent performance.
The team of proactive management has steered the organization to success in this volatile business world with vast exposure to the operation and functioning of the international market, as well as a thorough understanding of the complexities and procedures of the Chinese Law.
Union Asia Express Logistics and its partners have a strong and experienced Ocean Freight Team and enable our customers to either export or import their products by Ocean Freight cost effectively and within cut off time公司成立以来一直以空运为拳头产品,同各航空公司如:CX、NH、EK、TK、KE、MH、EY、SQ、CA、CI、BR、QZ、MU、CZ、HU、SV及AK等保持着密切的互动,根据客户的需求与公司业务量的变化,常年与各线路主力航空公司签有包板包量协议,可以从香港、深圳、广州、上海、北京等各大机场始发分飞往国际任何一个机场,并拥有完善的进出口配套服务;可以操作货物的包装、拖车、报关及报检等手续;也能通过公司的网络为客户提供国外的空运进口、清送、派送服务;主要港口还可以提供DDP的服务;完全满足客户贸易及运输上的各种需求,提供贴心周到的配套服务。
The team of proactive management has steered the organization to success in this volatile business world with vast exposure to the operation and functioning of the international market, as well as a thorough understanding of the complexities and procedures of the Chinese Law.
Union Asia Express Logistics and its partners have a strong and experienced Ocean Freight Team and enable our customers to either export or import their products by Ocean Freight cost effectively and within cut off time公司成立以来一直以空运为拳头产品,同各航空公司如:CX、NH、EK、TK、KE、MH、EY、SQ、CA、CI、BR、QZ、MU、CZ、HU、SV及AK等保持着密切的互动,根据客户的需求与公司业务量的变化,常年与各线路主力航空公司签有包板包量协议,可以从香港、深圳、广州、上海、北京等各大机场始发分飞往国际任何一个机场,并拥有完善的进出口配套服务;可以操作货物的包装、拖车、报关及报检等手续;也能通过公司的网络为客户提供国外的空运进口、清送、派送服务;主要港口还可以提供DDP的服务;完全满足客户贸易及运输上的各种需求,提供贴心周到的配套服务。
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