中国交通部注册的无船承运人,专业危险品仓库堆场,具有危险品准运证的现代化的集装箱卡车及各种吨位散卡几十辆,提供更便利快捷的服务 ,世界各主要城市的海外代理网络健全、危化品操作能力强。有多年承接:2、3、4、5、6、8、9 类危险品经验。
拥有危化品丰富操作经验的专业操作、客服、管理团队;合规的运营,获得海关、商检、码头、海事等机构的肯定。自有仓储、运输资源为国内段 服务提供坚实的支持,高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪物流的每一环节。
到目前为止,我司已服务200多家客户,全航线的港口经验,除1类7类以外的所有危险品货物的仓储和进出口申报运输。针对不同级别、不同运输载体、不同介质的货物,无论是固体、液体、还是气体,我们都能提供让您满意的全球运输服务。Our purpose:
we always holds the managerial idea that 'A thousand miles, one promise.'
Founded in 2014, the company has more than 40 employees in Ningbo headquarters, with a registered capital of 16 million RMB. The company has a full range of positions including import and export operation department, overseas business department, tank department, Ministry of Commerce, customs declaration department, fleet to provide one-stop service for customers. Chino Ningbo Headquarters, and also set up a branch in Shanghai. There are partners at all ports in China to undertake export and import business at all ports in China.
中国交通部注册的无船承运人,专业危险品仓库堆场,具有危险品准运证的现代化的集装箱卡车及各种吨位散卡几十辆,提供更便利快捷的服务 ,世界各主要城市的海外代理网络健全、危化品操作能力强。有多年承接:2、3、4、5、6、8、9 类危险品经验。
拥有危化品丰富操作经验的专业操作、客服、管理团队;合规的运营,获得海关、商检、码头、海事等机构的肯定。自有仓储、运输资源为国内段 服务提供坚实的支持,高效科学的操作系统实时跟踪物流的每一环节。
到目前为止,我司已服务200多家客户,全航线的港口经验,除1类7类以外的所有危险品货物的仓储和进出口申报运输。针对不同级别、不同运输载体、不同介质的货物,无论是固体、液体、还是气体,我们都能提供让您满意的全球运输服务。Our purpose:
we always holds the managerial idea that 'A thousand miles, one promise.'
Founded in 2014, the company has more than 40 employees in Ningbo headquarters, with a registered capital of 16 million RMB. The company has a full range of positions including import and export operation department, overseas business department, tank department, Ministry of Commerce, customs declaration department, fleet to provide one-stop service for customers. Chino Ningbo Headquarters, and also set up a branch in Shanghai. There are partners at all ports in China to undertake export and import business at all ports in China.
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